Tom Furrey

Life Groups Director

Favorite Bible Verses:
Matthew 5:16 where Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” This verse is the model I aspire to with others. It is also my birthday verse!

Favorite worship songs:
Old Rugged Cross, It is Well, The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Favorite quotes from Pastor Pat’s Sermons:

“The rapture could come at any moment!”  “We are all recovering sinners.” “If you are looking for a politically correct church, this isn’t it!”

How long I’ve been attending CCFS and my role here:
I have attended CCFS with my wife since July 2022…like a lot of other folks. I am blessed to serve in several roles at CCFS. One is as a member of the first impression/usher team. My other role is that of Coordinator of the Life Groups ministry at CCFS. In that role I am responsible as a lay person for leading and overseeing the activities of this ministry, including encouraging folks to lead, host or join a Life Group. This ministry helps to foster the spiritual maturity of those participating in Life Groups through Biblically-based Bible studies, along with building lasting relationships through fellowship and service to each other, the church and the community. My question to you as the Life Group Coordinator is this: “Are You In…in leading, hosting or being a part of a Life Group at CCFS?” If not, do it now!

How I came to know the Lord:
How I came to know the Lord: My oldest and fondest memory is going to Sunday school and church with my Grandmother when I was a very young boy. Growing up I was a regular attender of church, even ushering when in high school. For a long time I have believed in God and that He came to this earth in the form of a baby boy, died on a cross, arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. Why? To save me from death because of my sins. But it took many years, maybe 50 or 60 in fact, for the significance of the Rapture to hit me. When it did, and with the support and example of my loving wife, I realized that “believing and confessing” were not sole qualifiers for eternal life and my whole life took on a new direction. Not that I was a bad person, husband (been married over 51 years to the same gal), father or friend to start with, but when I changed my perspectives and my priorities God brought a new level of peace and guidance into my life. My best piece of advice is this: If you have not been water baptized…do it as soon as you can, like today!