Cheri Long

Calvary Kidz Director

Favorite Bible Verses:
Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Acts 4:13 When they saw the courage of (Cheri) Peter and John and realized that they were an unschooled, ordinary men (woman), they were astonished and they took note that (she) these men had been with Jesus.

Favorite worship songs:
Goodness of God
I surrender all

Favorite quotes from Pastor Pat’s Sermons:
“Can’t live in the past, you can’t change or live in the future, that isn’t here yet. You only have now.” Pastor Pat
“We are saved for a purpose. We are called to something. How bright are you. How salty are you?” Pastor Pat
“Everything you have belongs to God. You are successful because of the breath God gives you and the way HE wired your DNA.” Pastor Pat

How long I’ve been attending CCFS and my role here:
I’ve been a part of the CCFS family for about five years. My relationship with Melissa and Pastor Pat extends beyond that; however, my involvement with the church has been since 2018. I am honored to serve as the Accounts Receivable Coordinator as well as play a supporting role in CalvaryKIDZ.

How I came to know the Lord:
I came to know the Lord at 5 years old. I have always tried to love Jesus and serve Him. Even in moments of shortcomings and lack of faith; He is faithful. I like to tease that I was a ‘drug baby’. I was drug to church every weekend and every Wednesday night. 😊 Many of my formable moments, memories in childhood, and in my teenage years revolve around the church; and I am eternally grateful for that.